25TH Open Systems Days
Croatian Linux Users’ Conference

19 - 20 APRIL 2018

FER, Zagreb, Croatia

The Digital Evolution


Everybody is talking about the digital revolution sweeping through our society as a whole. Surveillance capitalism, hacked democracies & populism, the looming AI singularity.

This keynote explores how we, the Free Software community, ended up in the center of this hurricane and what hand our community has to play in this.






Henne Vogelsang

For more than a 20 years I am a rigorous practitioner of Free Software development. I love the raw power of communities collaborating and I believe that everyone should be able to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software that is eating the world. My day job at SUSE.com is leading a team of engineers hacking, operating and maintaining the Linux distribution development platform Open Build Service. A massive Ruby on Rails/Perl application. In my spare time I practice my skills by developing an event organization app, the Open Source Event Manager, by operating a lot of the server infrastructure of the openSUSE project, and by teaching free software development with programs such as RailsGirls Summer of Code.


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